You may have noticed a new addition to some of our ISEC Security officer’s uniforms.

Well go ahead and ask us about it, that’s what it’s for!

As we aim to make a positive impact in the lives of our people and community and in an effort to pursue and focus on our intent to connect and engage with the indigenous community, we have enlisted the services of Bullroarers who are a community and cultural specialist designed to give clients valuable insights into Australia’s First People and assist them in taking meaningful steps to achieve their Indigenous Engagement Strategy.

ISEC Warrigals uniform provided by Look Smart Uniforms

Inspired by the story of the Warrigal & Mundurra security officers seen proudly wearing the uniform with the Warrigal signify those team members who have been through the induction process of understanding Indigenous Australian culture including cultural protocols, customs and the existing Indigenous Engagement Strategies within our industry.

These officers have been trusted to serve as a point of contact for the general public who wish to learn more about Australia’s First People.

Led by our CEO Tony Daou, ISEC has always had a genuine intention and commitment to developing meaningful relationships with Australia’s First Peoples and understanding their community and culture. We would like to thank Bullroarers Australia for facilitating our learning and helping increase our awareness of the key factors which impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander interactions.

Neal McGarrity – Co-Founder and Director of Bullroarers with Tony Daou – CEO ISEC

Bullroarers would love to learn about your organisation and discuss how they can assist you and become a loyal and valued partner in your supply chain.

To organise a meeting please contact:

Edwin (Jim) Mi Mi – Chief Cultural Ambassador
0420 721 183 |

Neal (C. B.) McGarrity – Co-Founder and Director
0417 821 210 |

David Jam – Co-Founder and Director
0404 633 321 |

You can request the Bullroarer’s quad chart and capability statement today, simply email

Invite Bullroarers via the Digital Marketplace:

Available on Supply Nation: